Well here we are again at the start of another new year – one which will hopefully be kinder to us all as this dreadful virus at last seems to be receding and things are slowly getting back to normal.
Firstly, as always, I would like to wish all Guild members a very happy, peaceful and prosperous 2022. I still very much enjoy reading TimePiece magazine and keeping up to date with what you are all up to and what’s happening in the exciting world of horology.
I hope you have all managed to keep your jobs and your business afloat during the past two years. It was a difficult time for me and the band as all our concerts and live performances were cancelled. However, as I write this, I’m happy to report that we have just completed most of our Autumn shows and hopefully the 2022 touring schedule will be as near to normal as possible, with performances booked in both in the UK and overseas.
Despite it being a terrible two years for everyone, I have used all the extra time off to very good use. One of the highlights for me was becoming a Grandfather, to my daughter Mabel’s baby son. Other things I have enjoyed doing during the enforced hiatus have been spending time working on my model railway layout and keeping the garden tidy. I hope you have found plenty to keep you occupied although I am sure for many of you it has offered a chance to catch up on any backlog of work – so I suppose for every cloud there is
always a silver lining.
Anyway I will sign off now by raising a glass to you all and by reminding you to remember to – Enjoy yourself, as it’s later than you think!